Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There once was an OLD MAID....

So at times I have these fleeting thoughts that I will be an old maid with a house full of degrees and cats....and I don't even like cats. Don't get me wrong I am extremely confident in myself and career goals obviously because I'm kind of a big deal. However, I'm at that pivotal age (mid 20s for inquiring minds) where all of my friends are married, getting hitched, have little ones or at least shacking with their main squeeze. So when will it be my turn? All I meet are douche bags...hence the blog. Then again I really don't want to be married or have kids anytime soon. My day will come when my big country, 6ft and better, chocolate to caramel brown skin with a nice gig and passion for service, honest, caring, real comes along and probably get on my nerves. That is how I envision it. So I will close this random piece with...VIVA la SINGLE....OLD Maids R Hot...LOL!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Good Girls Finish Last

You have heard that old saying before but it is so true...Guys in DC who am I kidding guys across the globe always say they want a good girlfriend...the younger and sexier version of their mama with a little less nagging. Yet most men are not ready for a good girl...they would much rather have the bad girl who is full of drama but probably just scorned by men that she feels she has to behave this way with every man...that is a whole 'nother blog topic in itself. On the flip side I hear guys say all the time...women say they want a good man and then when they have one they don't know how to treat em. Well I do and I would like the option of meeting this so called "good guy"....point em out/point em out/point em out honey! I am right!

Be honest do you like Good Guys/Girls or the Bad Boy/Girl types?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Georgia Ave" Boos

It's time for this blog to get DC specific...well I talk a lot about how I am booless in DC due to the limited options and here is another example of it. I work on a quaint little street Georgia Ave. It's one of those up and coming neighborhoods with Condos and Crackheads...Strip Clubs and Expensive Rowhouses...gentrification aside it never fails that I get hit on as I walk to work. I know what you are thinking....aren't you always talking about how their are no boos in dc...hence the blog but if you are getting hit on every day what is the problem? Well the problem is I get hit on by men over 50 posted up outside the liquor store with 3-5 teeth in their mouth. Now don't get me wrong I am not the one to put anyone down but let's just say that is not my type. I prefer guys my age, with teeth, who work, and don't smell like pee mixed with E & J. I mean you would think attention would boost one's self esteem however in fact this type of attention can send one's self esteem in the opposite direction...LOL!

There are other neighborhoods in DC notorious for this kind of homeless drunk man macking? Adams Morgan for one...Have you ever been hit on by...and I mean this with love an elderly homeless person? If so, when and the scoop.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Can we "Get Together"?

So I was chopping it up with one of the homies and we got into an insightful discussion about the phrase "can we get together?" Like most things this can have several can mean:

Lets go hold hands in the park
Let's study at the library
Go on a nice date
*Oochie Wally Wally Oochie Bang Bang

So he was saying when he makes this type of vague statement he never really knows what the girl wants and I assume he is open for any of the options above. The flip side to this is that when guys make such vague statements why do they get mad when you ask for clarity? Like all we are suppose to say is Yes...and be all knowing when he makes a move cuz he was thinking Oochie Wally So whenever you hear a vague statement like "can we get together"....u better find out what together he is talking about because you never know! Sidenote: Chances are he doesn't know!