Friday, August 21, 2009


So men can be on a constant search for the model-video chick. Spend all types of money and quality time to woo her and yet they expect us to "commoners" to be happy to deal with them when they don't look nothing like Tyson Beckford. What is that about? I mean I would be shallow if I said I want a man with a six pack and perfectly toned skin but men do it all the time. Most women will take a half way decent looking brother if his personality is on point but guys yall be frontin!!! Oh you want the regular girl until you think you have a shot wit some model chick with whom you later find out is! Woman aren't suppose to be too thick heck even some of my extra skinny sisters are even having a hard time nowadays cuz they don't have that video girl booty. It's messed up well in 2009 two can play that game...I want some eye candy too..that's right if you don't look like Maxwell you need not better be able to sing like em

Naw but what do you think about this topic...Are people just really shallow nowadays? Would you date someone that you didn't necessary look like they were on a cover of a mag?


  1. I think...I know that men are just viual people. Look at that ignorant taled Real Chance at love. Some of those chicks had careers as exotic dancers and video chicks. Maybe one ugly slid in there to up the numbers for the less attractive but its interesting. They picked all of these girls, have the nerve to talk about the Lawd, but the ladies are walking around in half of nothing. Ones judgement is distorted when looking at all that. They confuse love with lust. Sometimes they know its lust. They just hope her body doesn't drop to soon or the party is over. Whats left after ten years?

  2. Everyone is a visual person. What do they say, first impressions make lasting ones!

    here is the problem: male privilege! we can get away with hollering at the "model chicks" because of the numbers of eligible men who are marriage material is much smaller then the numbers of eligible women are marriage material.
